
If you are looking for a professional pet transportation service with a dedicated and experienced pet chauffeur, so that you can accompany your pets on their journey anywhere in Europe, supported by all required EU licences* and insurance - then you need look no further. 


PetChauffeur provides a personalised, door-to-door pet travel service, which enables you to accompany your pets whilst they are driven in comfort, in a stress-free environment, to any destination in Europe - and even beyond!

If you would like to travel with your pets to make their journey as stress-free as possible, but can't face all the hassle, worry and planning involved in driving them yourself - then let me do it all for you. You just sit back, relax and enjoy the journey, while I drive your pets - and you - to your destination.

Are you moving from the UK to Spain with your pets? Or maybe you are travelling from Spain to the UK? I specialise in journeys between Spain, Portugal, France and the UK, but I travel anywhere in Europe - and beyond.

Remember that dogs, cats and ferrets travelling within Europe must have a valid European Pet Passport.


Don't settle for less than the best for you and your pets - make sure you choose the pet chauffeur who offers a dedicated and professional service that puts the welfare of you and your pets first - PetChauffeur.


PetChauffeur holds both the ‘animal transportation licence’ and the ‘vehicle authorisation permit’ which are now legal requirements, according to EU legislation. This ensures validity of the insurance policy, which also includes a comprehensive pet insurance and public-liability cover.

UK mobile (+44) 7544266394